
We as 4Maps, providing quick solutions with international experience gained while providing data to the world’s leading companies, has been completed whole Turkey’s neighborhoods and administrative borders in a short span of 15 months.

Technical Information

  • As 4Maps we completed our new Administrative Product for the market. Digitization of neighborhoods and villages polygon in 81 province of Turkey.
  • As Administrative/Mahalle product, 4Maps has the most updated and accurate  database in the Turkey. 
  • Please find product details below, 
  • 58162 neighbourhood polygon created with  1/8000 scale and higher quality under GCS_WGS84 Projection system.
  • Prior to the start of the drawings, all relevant public data were obtained and contacted even with the mukhtars. All named places and border information requested officially from minimum 4 different governmental partners and all local municipalities in Turkey.
  • Admin database  have been matched with UAVT of the General Directorate of  Population Citizenship Affairs, and all codes and information data    have been added in our data base.
  • According to the information in the UAVT table, it is added that the relevant polygon is 56992  and match rate is %98 with UAVT (National Address Database)
  • In the data, UAVT province name-code, district name-code, village name-code, neighborhood name-code, order number, identification code, type, authorized administration codes are included.